
Connecting You to

Christ through the

Power of Prayer

Prayer Requests Made Simple

Just Submit Your Prayer Online

How Text Prayer Share Works:


Submit Your Prayer Request

Share your prayer request and we will text you customized inspiration from the Bible..


Prayer Warriors

Your Prayer Request is sent to our team of Prayer Warriors. This means you are flooded with love and prayer.


Share Christ

We believe so strongly in the Power of Prayer, We want to make it simple and accessible for everyone!

Watch our Intro Video:

Text Prayer Share's Mission:

Empower Everyone to:

Embrace Prayer, Live Blessed

We do this in 2 Ways:

1) Building an Army of Prayer Warriors

2) Allowing any to submit a Prayer Request for our Prayer Warriors to pray over.

While right now we have a handful of prayer warriors, Imagine the power of 1,000s of people praying over you in a time of need.

As Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we stand together to support each other.

At Text Prayer Share:

We Believe in the Power of Prayer


Why it is so powerful

It connects individuals with the power of prayer through the convenience of text messaging.

Discreet and convenient way to reach out for prayer.

Accessible to a wider range of individuals, including those who may be too nervous to ask for prayer in person or over the phone.

Increases the frequency of prayer requests

Engage younger generations (as studies show that teens are more likely to text).

Increased sense of community & connectedness within the church

Text 612-662-7965

Email: Info@TextPrayerShare.com

Powered By: Text Prayer Share

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